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Tai Chi for fighting is a much misunderstood subject. The Wudang style of tai chi has preserved all the practical fight training methods which made men of the past famous for their combat abilities. Many current of the current generation of tai chi practitioners have no idea how the art was or can be used for combat.

The objective of the easy combat videos is to give tai chi practitioners a simple roadmap to follow, so that you can really use the art for fighting and self defence, in a simple way, without the fantasy that is common in many Asian martial arts. Cheng tin hung, the grandmaster of the Wudang school of tai chi, became famous throughout Asia because he proved his own combat abilities in street duels as well as in the full contact arena. Dozens of his students did the same on the international full contact circuit, as do current generations of the Wudang approach. This is due to a firm focus on real, practical tai chi skills, highly effective conditioning methods and a rejection of the hypothetical. For this reason it’s known as ‘practical’ Tai Chi.

Ive called this video series easy combat, because whilst fighting is usually not effortless, with the right practices and training methods from the traditional Wudang tai chi syllabus you can reach the stage where you can deal with most opponents fairly easily.

This volume looks at a variety of primary tai chi self defence techniques through the lens of the eight primary forces of the art, known as the Pa Keng. By fully understanding the eight forces, training them using the solo exercises shown and practicing them in drills and more spontaneous partner work you will be able to create infinite techniques on the fly in live combat situations, which is a primary objective of the original masters of tai chi.

The eight primary forces of tai chi combine with the 5 directions to produce the 13 Dynamics, which is one of the older names used for tai chi.

The objective is to help you make the successful application of these 8 powerful force concepts ‘real’ as stipulated in the original Tai Chi classic ‘Explanation of Tai Chi Principles’ by Yang Ban Hou. Once the core powers are real, we can really become higher level tai chi martial artists.

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