Dark Light

Probably the most powerful Neigong/Qigong system in existence.

Tai Chi Neigong is an esoteric style of exercise and approach to wellbeing, which some people consider somewhat mystical. Our system of Tai Chi Neigong is also known by some as Iron Vest Qigong, though other systems also use this term.

This remarkable training method can be seen as inner work building internal power, in a variety of ways. It’s the long been the missing, secret aspect of martial Tai Chi training which gives practitioners the inner ‘steel’ to complement the outer softness. It hasn’t been widely taught openly before.

You gain structure, root, stamina and real whole body focussed power. The health of the internal organs, circulation, breathing and other rarely considered systems of the body are cultivated.

The idea is that among serious martial arts practitioners was to use the Internal Strength training as an extremely time efficient method of training that is done daily to keep the body in excellent condition internally and externally, whilst building specific qualities that are necessary prerequisites for real fighters. Technique and movement skill are also hugely benefited.

Below you can see me performing the Neigong test traditionally done after 3 months of training

Benefits of Tai chi Neigong

  • Enhances breathing patterns
  • Expands lung capacity
  • Improves functional working of all the joints
  • Strengthens and lengthens muscles, tendons and connective tissue
  • Improves circulation
  • Enhances neurogenesis and neuroplasticity
  • Improves health and function of the internal organs
  • Lengthens telomeres (anti ageing)
  • Develops Fa Jin power – trained and elastic internal power.
  • Improves energy and stamina
  • Develops integrated, whole body strength and movements
  • Trains mindfulness 
  • Incorporates breath awareness meditation
  • Includes mantra meditation.
  • Leads to improved concentration, awareness and sensitivity.
  • Develops toughness
  • Gives you the ‘iron shirt’ – ability to absorb blows easily

Danish practitioners also doing the 3 month test

Tai Chi Internal Strength training consists of two sets of exercises, which we perform on alternating days. There are 12 sets in the Yin sequence and 12 sets in the Yang sequence.

For optimal results traditional people would practice the exercises initially for 100 days everyday. In addition during this time they would carry out a dopamine fast, whereby all excessively stimulatory activities would be avoided. No drinking, no sex etc. This would help to build higher levels of Jing, Qi and Shen through various mechanisms. Combined with the Internal strength training and meditation you can produce remarkable personal transformation. Very few people do the full 100 day process however and it’s not mandatory – though results are even better.

My Internal Strength system has long been kept pretty secret and taught only to very serious students of the famed fighter Cheng Tin Hung, back in the days of Hong Kong’s full contact fighting era. Before that they came from mysterious Taoist sources.

It’s always been an extremely sought after system of mind and body preparation in ancient time’s because of the ability of the training to produce extremely powerful physiques and at the same time train the mind in stillness. This leads to extremely powerful martial arts movements and a much improved ability to keep a tranquil and alert mind that can apply exactly the right movements at the right time in the chaos of a real fight.

Neil is the real deal! Incredible softness and quality of movement, combined with ferocious strength and lightening speed. Highly recommended for any serious student of internal martial arts.

Julian McIntyre

Tai Chi Neigong Internal Strength video

This video has been designed to clearly present the 24 styles of Iron shirt Qigong/Tai Chi Neigong. You will be easily able to follow the instructions and practice.

  • The entire Tai Chi Neigong system
  • Presented simply and accurately
  • All traditional methods, times and repetitions
  • Each method shown from multiple angles
  • Very easy to follow along with
  • For beginners to advanced
  • Suitable for non-Tai chi practitioners
  • Will improve all sports/physical performance